Professor of Robotics/Artificial intelligence with a focus on Cybernetics
College of Engineering, University of Bahrain
Research Interests:
Robotics, Cybernetics, AI
Now working on Electroencephalography (EEG) Brainwaves Decoding for Building Robotics Cognition
International Conference on Millennium Dawn in Training and Continuing Education, 24-26, APRIL 2001. Chair of Organization Committee.
First Middle East Conference & Exhibition on Technology Transfer, September 2003. Member of Organization Committee.
Second Middle East Conference & Exhibition on Technology Transfer, September 2006. Member of Organization Committee.
IET International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Kingdom of Bahrain, 1-3 December 2008, IET ICIS-2008. Chair of Organization Committee.
WERC 17, International Conference, 6-8 December 2016. Member of Organization Committee, 2016.
Smart Cities IET - Symposium, Chair of Organization Committee, 2018-2023.
3ICT International Conference, 2018.
4 PLUS International Conference, Member of the Organization Committee, 2019.
Organizing Committee of IET – EMEA (2nd Smart Cities Symposium), 24-26 March 2019.
2019 4th International Conference on Robotics and Machine Vision (ICRMV 2019), Guangzhou, China.
Forums and Symposiums, Technical Events
Organizing Head of the 5th Annual GCC Technical Collages Meeting, 2001.
Engineering Software Workshop-1, 2006, Mathematica for Engineering Applications.
Engineering Software Workshop-2, 2007, MatLab for Engineering Applications.
Member of IEEE Control Systems Society, Technical Committee on Control Education.
Technical Chair of IET ICIS-2008 International Conference on (Intelligent Systems), December 2008.
Organizing committee of IET Colloquium & Forum (Wireless Communications Forum), Bahrain, 2008.
Organizing committee of IET Colloquium & Forum (New Directions in Automatic Control: Theories and Applications), 2010.
Gulf Research Conference Committee Members, 2010.
Board Member of the IET Executive Control & Automation TPN Network, 2010.
Head of organizing committee of IET Symposium (Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Applications in GCC), 2011.
Organizing committee of IET Colloquium & Forum (New Directions in Automatic Control: Theories and Applications), 2012.
Organizing committee of IET Colloquium & Forum, "Control & Automation Education: Exploring Automatic Control Education
in Academia and Industry Associated with Control & Automation Show, 2014.
IEEE Steering Committee Member of the GCC Engineering Ethics Competition, 2015, UAE.
IEEE Steering Committee Member of the GCC Engineering Ethics Competition, 2016, Bahrain.
Organizing Committee Member of IET Colloquium & Forum (Engineering Trends in Image Processing, Pattern Recognition Techniques, and Applications), Bahrain, 2016.
Head of the Organizing Committee of 3rd IET GCC Robotics Challenge, 21 April 2018.
Have been involved in organization of a number of technical /WORKSHOPS/SUMMER SCHOOL ORGANIZER events, these are few selections:
Basic Web Technology Skills for Courseware Development (October 14-18, 2001) in cooperation with the UNESCO office.
System Planning and Control", Short Course, University of Bahrain, 1998.
Programmable Logic Controllers PLCs, University of Bahrain, Two weeks intensive course, 2000.
Industrial Process Control, University of Bahrain, a four days Short-Course, 2000.
Internet Technology for Non Expert staff, 2000.
Responsible for organizing a Training Workshop (14-18 October 2001) for the UISCO Office on using internet for educational purposes, entitled" .
Basic Web Technology Skills for Courseware Development ", 2001.
MATLAB FOR ENGINEERS : A fully developed programming in Matlab Sessions for Students, 2003.
Plant Automation and Control, Bahrain, three days intensive short course, 2005.
Programmable Logic Controllers PLCs, Bahrain, Three days intensive course, 2005.
Plant Automation and Control, in KSA, three days intensive short course, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2007.
Process Instrumentation and Control, a one week intensive workshop for ASRY, 2007.
Plants Programmable Logic Controllers & Automation, 24th - 26th, November, Kingdom of Bahrain, 2009.
Electrical Fundamentals, Bahrain Defense Force Trainee, 2010.
Scientific Report Writing, for RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP, 4-8 October 2015.
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Technical & Education Colleges Meeting, University of Bahrain, Bahrain, 1998.
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Continuing Education And Community Services Colleges in GCC, University of Kuwait, Kuwait , 2001.
MDTCE-2001 Board of Members Meeting, Bahrain, 9th of April 2001.
GCC symposium under the title "Towards a Strategic Planning for the GCC Technical Colleges" Bahrain, October 2001.
University and Industry Corporations in Information Technology Symposium), 25th May 2003.
Deanship of Scientific Research Conference, Manama, Bahrain, 2007.
IET- International Conference on Intelligent Systems (ICIS-2008), 1-3 December, Bahrain, 2008.
MEST 2009 International Conference, Bahrain, 2009.
IEEE-EPSCICON 2010, International Conference on Power, Signals, Control and Computation, India, January 2010.
14th UK-Sim AMSS (International Conference Modeling & Simulation), UKSim2012, University of Cambridge, 28-30 March 2012.
14th UK-Sim AMSS (International Conference Modeling & Simulation), UKSim2012, University of Cambridge, March 2012, 2nd Track.
lArabian for Education, Culture and Sciences Organization, ALECSO), Sudan, 9th of April 2012
15th UK-Sim (International Conference Modeling and Simulation), UKSim2013, at UKSim2013, University of Cambridge, April 2013.
5th International Conference Intelligent Systems, Modeling & Simulation, Malaysia, January 2014.
Chairing a Technical Session at, 2016 17th WERNC, 2016.
Chairing a Technical Session at, 2017 9th IEEE-GCC Conference and Exhibition (GCCCE), 2017.
Chairing of a Technical Session (Smart Health Care) at, 2018, IET Smart Cities Symposium, (SCS-2018), University of Bahrain, 2018.
Chairing of a Technical Session (Machine Learning and Robotics) at, IEEE, 3ICT International Conference, (3ICT-2018), University of Bahrain, 2018.
Chairing a Technical Session (Robotics Manipulators), at the IEEE ROBIO - RAS 2018, December 2018.
Conferences and Meetings Talks
Intelligent Stock Predication via Artificial Neural Networks, Business Administration College, University of Bahrain, 1996
Intelligent Controllers, University of Bahrain, 1996
Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks, University of Bahrain, 1997
Artificial Neural Networks in Industrial Applications, Bahrain National Day Event, Organized by University of Bahrain, 1997
MatLab for Dynamic Modeling and Control, University of Bahrain, 1997
Era of Intelligent Robots, Global institutes 6th Annual Seminar, Global Institute, 1998
Genetic Algorithms for Optimization And Control Applications, University of Bahrain, 1998
Neurofuzzy Based Takagi-Sugeno Modeling of Nonlinear Multivariable Dynamic System, University of Bahrain, 2002
Artificial Neural Networks Applications, Bahrain Society of Engineers, 1997
Intelligent Robotics Systems, IEE-Bahrain Section, Bahrain, 1999
Invited talk entitled: "Welding Robotics Control System ", for Gulf-Matech Training Institute, 31st March 2002
LMI Based Robust Fuzzy Stabilization of a Nonlinear Dynamic System, University of Bahrain, 2003
Mathematica for Engineering Applications, University of Bahrain, 2005
Robotics Hand Optimal Neural Network Task-Space Manipulation, University of Bahrain, 2006
Invited talk for IET in Bahrain about Visual Servoing, 2007
Visual Servoing Nonlinearity Approximation Via An Intelligent Approach, University of Bahrain, 2007
Invited talk about "IET Professional Society", BTI, Bahrain, 2008
Invited talk at Sheikh KHALIFA Institute of Technology, "Iris Recognition", 2009 Conference
Invited talk about "Artificial Intelligent Application" in Bokowa Gathering, 28th October 2009
Robotics Systems, Sheikh KHALIFA Institute of Technology, December 2010.
Recent Robotics Development, Invited talk by Sri Lankan Engineering Society, 2012.
Digital Revolution: Where we are Heading, Talk to Sri Lankan Engineering Society, 2013.
Medical Robots for Disabled, Talk to Bahrain Mobility International, 2014.
Fuzzy Decision Based Mobile Mapping, King Saud University, KSA, 2013.
Keynote Lecture, Occupancy Grids and Stereo Vision SLAM Navigation: Neuro Occupancy Mapping, Presented at EPSCICON-2014, India, 2014.
Keynote Lecture, EEG Brainwaves for Robotics and Prosthesis Grasping and Motorization, Presented at ICKEA 2015, UAE, 2015.
Michael Faraday IET International Summit-2015, (MFIIS 2015), an IET International Conference Focused Area Power-Control-Automation, September 12 - 13, 2015, in Kolkata, India. Supported By: IET Control & Automation (UK), IET Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (UK), Technical Sponsor: Dept. of Applied Physics, University of Calcutta, India, 2015.
EEG Complex Grasping Patterns Recognition for BMI Robotic and Prosthesis Motion Control, (Keynote Lecture), MFIIS-2015, India, 2015.
Electroencephalography BASED Event Features Extraction for Robotics Advanced Learning, Mauritius, 2017.
Workshop for Two Days about (Machine Learning Based Brainwaves Electroencephalography EEG Decoding and Understanding), the FOURTH International - Conference - EPSCICON 2018 – IEEE, 3-4 January 2018, at Vidya Academy of Science & Technology. India 2018.
Invited for Talk at the (2nd Annual Techno & Science) in the GCC 2018, 22-24 February 2018, (Al Hifof), KSA.
Engineering Short Courses & Workshops
Run a number of Engineering short courses, as listed in chronological order.
(1997) MATLAB FOR ENGINEERS-1 : developed programming in Matlab Sessions for Students
(1998) Power System Planning and Control”, University of Bahrain.
(1999) MATLAB FOR ENGINEERS-2 : developed programming in Matlab Sessions for Students
(2000) Programmable Logic Controllers PLCs, University of Bahrain, Two weeks intensive course.
(2000) Industrial Process Control, University of Bahrain, a four days short-course.
(2000) Internet technology for non Expert staff.
(2000) MATLAB FOR ENGINEERS-3 : A fully developed programming in Matlab Sessions for Students
(2001) Being responsible for organizing a training workshop (14-18 October 2001) for the UISCO Office on using internet for educational purposes, entitled : “ Basic Web Technology Skills for Course-ware Development “.
(2003) MATLAB FOR ENGINEERS-4,5 : developed programming in Matlab Sessions for Students
(2003) Industrial Process Control, University of Bahrain, a four days short-course.
(2003) MATLAB FOR ENGINEERS-6 : developed programming in Matlab Sessions for Students
(2000) Programmable Logic Controllers PLCs, Three days intensive course.
(2004) Plant Automation and Control Part -1, Three days intensive short course.
(2005) Plant Automation and Control, Part -2, Three days intensive short course
(2005) Programmable Logic Controllers PLCs -l, Three days intensive course.
(2005) Programmable Logic Controllers PLCs -2, Three days intensive course.
(2006) Plant Automation and Control, Part-1, Three days intensive short course
(2007) Plant Automation and Control, Part-2, Three days intensive short course, KSA.
(2007) Process Instrumentation and Control, a one week intensive workshop for ASRY.
(2009) PLANTS PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROL & AUTOMATION, November 2009 24th -26th, Kingdom of Bahrain.
(2010) Electrical Fundamentals, BDF Trainee, 2010.
(2015) Scientific Report Writing, for RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP, 4-8 October 2015.