Professor of Robotics/Artificial intelligence with a focus on Cybernetics
College of Engineering, University of Bahrain
Research Interests:
Robotics, Cybernetics, AI
Now working on Electroencephalography (EEG) Brainwaves Decoding for Building Robotics Cognition
Researchgate Online:
Scopus Record: Scopus Author ID: 37661782600
Google Citations:, (h-index=12, i10-index=16)
Technical reports
NOTE: Since 1993, I was publishing under my nickname E. Al-Gallaf. But since 2010, I started to publish with under family name E. Mattar.
(Please accept any apology for any caused confusion). Just the same author ....
{J-01}: Al-Sammak A. and Al-Gallaf E., "Adjustable Frequency Dependent Switch, "Journal of Modeling, Simulation and Control, Part A: , AMSE Press, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp.59-64, 1993.
{J-02}: Al-Gallaf E., Allen A., and Warwick K., "A Survey of Multi-fingered Robot Hands: Issues and Grasping Achievements, " International Journal of Mechatronics, vol. 3, No.4, DOI: 10.1016/0957-4158(93)90018-W, IFAC- Journal, International Federation of Automatic Control, pp. 465-479, Oxford, UK, 1993.
{J-03}: Al-Gallaf E., Allen A., and Warwick K., "Dexterous Hands : Issues Relating to a Four Fingered Articulated Hand, " International Journal of Mechatronics, Vol.3, No. 3, DOI: 10.1016/0957-4158(93)90007-O, IFAC- Journal, Internationa Federation of Automatic Control, pp. 329-342, Oxford, UK, 1993.
{J-04}: Al-Gallaf and Warwick K., "Force Distribution in Manipulation by a Robot Hand with Equality and Non-linear Inequality Constraints, "The International Journal of Mechatrontics, Vol. 5, No.5, IFAC- Journal, International Federation of Automatic Control, pp. 561-583, Oxford, UK, 1995.
{J-05}: Al-Gallaf E., "Manipulation At Ill-Conditioned Configurations By A Robot Hand (Employment of Local and Global Dexterities), "The International Journal of Mechatrontics, vol. 7, no.5, IFAC- Journal, International Federation of Automatic Control, pp. 479-503, Oxford, UK, 1997.
{J-06}: I. Qamber. and E. Al-Gallaf, "Electric Load Forecasting Model for the State of Bahrain Network," International Journal of Electric Power Components and Systems, Vol. 29, pp. 259-276, USA, 2001.
{J-07}: Al-Gallaf E., "Artificial Neural Network Based Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Strategy," Journal of Information and Technology, vol. 1, no.2, pp. 173-179, 2002.
{J-08}: Al-Gallaf E., "Neural Networks Based Inverse Kinematics for Multi-finger Hand Control ", International Journal of Robotics and Automation, Vol. 18, No. 11, PART 1, pp. 1-9, Netherlands, 2003.
{J-09}: Al-Gallaf E., "Neuro-Fuzzy Inverse Jacobian Mapping For Multi-Finger Robot Hand Control, "International Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Springer Netherlands, 0921-0296 (Print) 1573-0409 (Online), vol. 39, no., pp. 17-42 1, January, Netherlands, 2004.
{J-10}: Al-Gallaf E., "Neural Networks for Multi-Finger Robot Hand Control, " International Journal of King A. Aziz University for Engineering Sciences, JKAU: Engineering Sciences, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp: 19-42 (2008 A.D. /1429 A.H.), KSA, 2008.
{J-11}: Al-Gallaf E., "Takagi-Sugeno Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling on a Multivariable Nonlinear Antenna System," Journal of Engineering Research (TJER), Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 12-24, 2005.
{J-12}: Al-Gallaf E., "Clustered Based Takagi-Sugeno Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling of a Multi variable Nonlinear Dynamic System," Asian Journal of Control, (ACPA Affiliated Journal), Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 163-176, June, 2005.
{J-13}: Al-Gallaf E., "Clustered-Based Takagi-Sugeno Neuro-Fuzzy Modelling Of a Multivariable Nonlinear Dynamic System," A paper accepted for publication in the International Journal of Control and Intelligent Systems, Vol. 34, No. 1, 2006.
{J:14}: Al-Gallaf E., "Multi-Finger Robot Hand Optimal Task Force Distribution: Neural Inverse Kinematics Approach, " International Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Elsevier, Vol. 54, DOI: 10.1016/j.robot.2005.09.016, pp. 34-51, 2006.
{J-15}: Al-Gallaf E., "Neuro-Kinematics Based Dexterous Robotics Hand Force Optimization," Journal of Intelligent and Robotics Systems, Springers Netherlands, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 181-206, December, Netherlands, 2007.
{J-16}: Al-Gallaf E. Al-Meteeb K., and Hani H., "ANN Dexterous Robotics Hand Optimal Control Methodology Grasping and Manipulation Forces Optimization," Publications in AROB Journal ,International Journal of Artificial Life and Robotics, Springer, Vol. 15, No. 4, December, DOI 10.1007/s10015-010-0831-6, Japan, 2010.
{J-17}: Ebrahim Mattar, "Robotics Hands:A Way Forward for Intelligent and Skillful Manipulation," A Foreword By: Professor Kevin Warwick. Professor of Cybernetics Reading University, UK, Bahrain, 2000.
{J-18}: Mattar E., "Neural Net Robotics Dexterous Hand Force Distribution System", Indian Center For Advanced Scientific and Technological Research, ICASTOR (Journal of Engineering), Vol.3, No.3, ISSN-0974-407X, September, 2010.
{J-19}: K. Al-Mutib, M. AlSulaiman, M. Emaduddin, H. Ramdane, and E. Mattar, "D* Lite Based Real-Time Multi-Agent Path Planning in Dynamic Environments", Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), ISSN: 2248-9622, pp.1414-1419, Vol. 2, No. 2, April, 2012.
{J-20}: E. Mattar, K. Al-Mutib, H. Hamdan, and M. Hamdan, "Bio-inspired Transputer Based-Fuzzy Mobile Robot ," J. Suzuki and T. Nakano (Eds.): BIONETICS 2010, LNICST 87, pp. 607-620. Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering -2012, Volume 0087 of the Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering series, Springer Computer Science - USA, 2012.
{J-21}: E. Mattar, and K. Al-Mutib, "Bio-inspired Robotics Hands: A Work in Progress ," J. Suzuki and T. Nakano (Eds.): BIONETICS 2010, LNICST 87, pp. 607-620. Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering -2012, Volume 0087 of the Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering series Springer Computer Science-USA, 2012.
{J-22}: E. Mattar, "A Survey of Bio-Inspired Robotics Hands Implementation: New Directions in Dexterous Manipulation", Publication in Robotics and Autonomous Systems, International Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, ISSN: 0921-8890, Elsevier Journals, 2013.
{J-23}: E. Mattar, "Principal Components Analysis Based Iris Recognition and Identification System", Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE) ISSN: 2231-2307, Vol.3, No. 2, May, 2013.
{J-24}: E. Mattar, "A Practical Neuro-fuzzy Mapping and Control for a 2-DOF Robotic Arm System", International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 1-10, May, 2013.
{J-25}: K. Al-Mutib, E. Mattar, M. AlSulaiman, H. Ramdane, and M. Emaduddin, "Mobile Robot Floor Navigation using RGB+D and Stereo Cameras", Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE), ISSN: 2231-2307. Vol.3, No.3, June, 2013.
{J-26}: Khalid AlMutib, Ebrahim Mattar, H. Ramdane Muhammad Emad Al-Dean", Neural Network Vision-Based Visual Servoing and Navigation for KSU-IMR Mobile Robot Using Epipolar Geometry", International Journal of Soft Computing and Software Engineering [JSCSE], Vol. 3, No. 3, USA, 2013.
{J-27}: K. Al-Mutib, E. Mattar, M. AlSulaiman, H. Ramdane, and M. Emaduddin, "Mobile Robot Floor Navigation using RGB+D and Stereo Cameras", Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE), ISSN: 2231-2307. Vol.3, No.3, July, 2013.
{J-28}: E. Mattar, "A Neurofuzzy Knowledge Based Architecture for Robotic Hand Manipulation Forces Learning", International Journal of Intelligent Mechatronics and Robotics (IJIMR), Vol. 3, No. 2., IGI Global, USA, 2013.
{J-29}: E. Mattar and M. Akbaba "A Knowledge Based Neuro-Fuzzy Model and Controller Synthesis of a Highly Nonlinear Dynamics Electrical Machine", International Journal of Soft Computing and Software Engineering [JSCSE], Vol. 3, No. 11, pp. 7-20, 2013, Doi: 10.7321/jscse.v3.n11.2, USA, 2013.
{J-30}: E. Mattar, "e-GRASP: Robotic Hand Modeling and Simulation Environment", Journal of Advances in Robotics and Automation, OMICS Group. Journal of Advances in Robotics and Automation, Vol. 2, No.2, 1000109, DOI., ISSN: 2168-9695, USA, 2013.
{J-31}: M. Faisal, K. Al-Mutib, R. Hedjar, H. Mathkour, M Alsulaiman, and E. Mattar, "Behavior based Mobile for Mobile Robots Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance", International Journal of Computers and Communicati published by NAUN, ISSN: 2074-1294, North Atlantic University Union, January, USA, 2014.
{J-32}: M. Faisal, K. Al-Mutib, R. Hedjar, H. Mathkour, M. Alsulaiman, and E. Mattar, "Behavior based Mobile for Mobile Robots Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance," International Journal of Computers and Communication, Vol. 8, ISSN: 2074-1294, pp. 33-40, 2014.
{J-33}: K. Mutib, M. Emaduddin, M. Alsulaiman, H. Ramdane, and E. Mattar, "Motion Periodicity based Pedestrian Detection and Particle Filter based Pedestrian Tracking using Stereo Vision Camera," International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies And Applications, Vol. 50, No. 1/2, 2014, Inderscience, UK, 2014.
{J-34}: E. Mattar, "Stereo-Vision Mobile Robotics Navigation through Metric-Topological Learning," Editorial Article, Advances in Robotics and Automation, ISSN: 2168-9695, USA. 3:e123. doi: 10.4172/2168-9695.1000e123.
{J-35}: Khalid Al-Mutib, Ebrahim Mattar, and Mansour Alsulaiman, "Implementation of Fuzzy Decision Based Mobile Robot Navigation using Stereo Vision, Journal of Procedia Computer Science, ISSN: 1877-0509, Elsevier, 2015.
{J-36}: E. Mattar, K. Al Mutib, M. AlSulaiman, H. Ramdane, "KSU-IMR Mobile Robot Navigation Maps Building and Learning", Journal of Applied Mechanics and Materials, ISSN: 1662-7482, Vol. 789-790, pp. 717-722, Sep. 2015.
{J-37}: Ebrahim Mattar ,Hessa Al-Junaid, ”LMI Lyapunov Based Ts Fuzzy Modeling And Controller Synthesis for A Nonlinear Ball And Beam System,” International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking (IJACEN), pp. 35-40, Volume-3, Issue-10, 2015.
{J-38}: E. Mattar, "EEG Brainwaves for Robotics and Prosthesis Grasping and Motorization," International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, pp. 196-172, Vol 5, Number 3, ISSN: 1793-8198, pp. 169-172, August 2017 .
{J-39}: E. Mattar, H. Al-Junaid and H. Al-Seddiqi, "PCA Based EEG Event Features Extraction for Robotics Dexterous Grasping," International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, ISSN (2210-142X), International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems. 6, No.5, (Sep-2017), 2017.
{J-40}: E. Mattar, H. Al-Junaid and H. Al-Seddiqi, "EEG Based Learning for Robotics Complex Grasping and Dexterous Manipulation, Refereed Book Chapter in Biomimetic Prosthetics, ISBN 978-953-51-5451-8, Book edited by: Ramana Vinjamuri, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA.,(Dec-2017), Nov. 2017.
{J-41}: E. Mattar, K. AlMutib, M. AlSulaiman, and H. Ramdane, "Mobile Robot Neuro-fuzzy Navigation Based VSLAM Features Learning," International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, Vol. 5, No. 6, December, 2017.
{J-42}: Ebrahim A. Mattar and Hessa Al-Junaid, "Electroencephalography Based Dexterous Robotics Hand Grasping and Manipulation: A Short Review," Robotics and Automation Engineering Journal (RAEJ), volume 2, issue 2, Robot Autom Eng. J. 2(2): RAEJ.MS.ID.555583 (2018), March 2018.
{J-43}: Fatema A. Sarhan and Ebrahim Mattar, "Fake Accounts Detection in Online Social Networks using Hybrid Machine Learning Models," International Journal of Simulation Systems, Science & Technology, Vol. 24 Issue 2, p1-5. 5p, DOI 10.5013/IJSSST.a.24.02.02, 2023.
{J-44}: Albanki, Jawaher; Ebrahim Mattar, "Fake Accounts Detection in Online Social Networks using Hybrid Machine Learning Models," International Journal of Simulation - Systems, Science & Technology, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p1-6. 6p, DOI 10.5013/IJSSST.a.24.01.06, 2023.
{J-45}: Ebrahim Mattar, "Electroencephalography for Enhancing Robotics Learning: CNN Convolutional Neural Network Approach," International Journal of Simulation -- Systems, Science & Technology, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p1-8. 8p., DOI 10.5013/IJSSST.a.24.01.04, 2023.
{J-46}: G. Murad and E. Mattar, "On the Design of Robust Four Degree of Freedom Controllers for Linear Discrete-Time Systems," in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 91028-91050, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3307569, 2023.
{ch-01}: Al-Gallaf E., Allen A., and Warwick K., "Multi-fingered Robot Hands", in "Robotic Systems: Advanced Techniques and Applications (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering)" Book, Chapter Seven, a Book Edited by : Prof. S.G. TZAFESTAS, PP. 543-551, ISBN 0-7923-1749-1, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1991.
{ch-02}: Al-Gallaf E., "Robots, Mechanics of Perception and New Trends in Modern Industry," A Book Published by Arabian Establishment for Printing, Bahrain, 1999.
{ch-03}: Al-Gallaf E., "Intelligent Based Cartesian Object Mapping for Multi-Finger Robot Hand Control," a chapter in Book
Titled as: "Focus on Robotics Research," Edited by Prof. John X. Liu, NOVA International Publishers, Binding: Hardcover, ISBN: 1-59454-594-4, 2005.
{ch-04}: Al-Gallaf E., "Transputer Neuro-Fuzzy Controlled Behavior-Based Mobile Robotics System," Chapter (15) in Edited
Book of: Mobile Robots, Moving Intelligence, pp. 287-308, Edited by Prof. Jonas Buchli, ISBN 3-86611-284-X, December, 2006.
{ch-05}: Mattar E., "A Neural Network Based Visual Servo System: Learning Visual Kinematics of A Scene," Chapter in Book
Under Title: (Neural Networks Applications), Published by Nova Science Publishers, Binding: Hardcover, Editor: Seoyun J. Kwon, ISBN: 978-1-61761-553-5, 2011.
{ch-06}: Mattar E., "A Neural Network Based Visual Servo System : Learning Visual Kinematics," Chapter in Book Under the Title: (New Developments in Artificial Neural Networks Research), Published by Nova Science Publishers, Editor: Robert W. Nelson,
ISBN: 978-1-61324-286-5, 2011.
{ch-07}: Mattar E., "Dexterous Multi-finger Robotics Hands: A Way Forward for Intelligent And Skillful Manipulations," A New
Complete Published Text Book, AMAZON: (Robotics Hands: A Way Forward for Intelligent And Skillful Manipulation). LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. ISBN-13: 978-3846501894, 2011.
{ch-08}: Mattar E., "Robotics Arm Visual Servo: Estimation of Arm-Space Kinematics Relations With Epipolar Geometry Robotic
Systems", Chapter No. 10, in "Robotic Systems Applications, Control and Programming", ISBN 978-953-307-941-7, Published: February 3rd 2012.
{ch-09}: E. Mattar, H. Al-Junaid and H. Al-Seddiqi, "EEG Based Learning for Robotics Complex Grasping and Dexterous
Manipulation, Refereed Book Chapter in Biomimetic Prosthetics, ISBN 978-953-51-5451-8, Book edited by: Ramana Vinjamuri, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA., (Dec-2017), Nov. 2017.
{ch-10}: E. Mattar, "Mobile Robot Feature-Based SLAM Behaviour Learning, and Navigation in Complex Spaces," A refereed
Book Chapter, (Mobile Robots - Volume 1", ISBN 978-953-51-6702-0), Book edited by: Prof. Efren Gorrostieta Hurtado,
Engineering Faculty of the Autonomous, University of Queretaro, Mexico, INTECH, November 2019.
Conf-01 (1991) Al-Gallaf E., Allen A. & Warwick K., "Multi-fingered Robot Hands," Proceedings of the European Robotics and Intelligent Systems EURISCON-91, June1991, Corfu, Greece 1991.
Conf-02 (1991) Al-Gallaf E., Allen A., & Warwick K., "Evaluation of a Direct Drive Approach in Multi-fingered Robotics Hands ”, IEE Colloquium Proceedings on Robot Actuators, pp. 7/1- 7/4, October, London, UK, 1991.
Conf-03(1994) Al-Gallaf E. & Warwick K., " Robot Hand Compliance Motion with Optimal Contact Forces,", Proceedings of the ICMA'94, International Conference on Machine Automation, 15-18 Feb, 1994. University of Technology, Tampere University of Technology, Finland, 1994.
Conf-04(1994) Al-Gallaf E. & Warwick K., "Optimal Manipulation Forces Distribution for Controlling Object Motion in a Four Fingered Robot Hand (Cybhand), " Proceedings of the IEE International Control Conference, CONTROL-94 , pp. 555-560, Warwick University, UK, 1994.
Conf-05 (1994) Al-Gallaf E. and Warwick K., "CybHand : A Four Fingered Robot Hand and Singularities, " IEEE Proceedings of the IMACS International Symposium on Signal Processing, Robotics and Neural Networks , pp. 590-593, May, Lille, France, 1994.
Conf-06(1995) Al-Gallaf E. "Hybrid Control at Presence of Singularities in Multiple Contact Coordinated Manipulation by a Robot Hand, " Proceedings of the 1st Bahrain International Conference on Computers in Industry, 6-8 Nov. 1995, pp. 286-306. Bahrain, 1995.
Conf-07(1995) Al-Gallaf E., "Investigations of Industrial Environments and Robotics Involvement in Bahrain, "Proceedings of the 1st Bahrain International Conference on Computers in Industry, 6-8 Nov. 1995, pp. 270-284, Bahrain, 1995.
Conf-08 (1995) Al-Gallaf E., "Neuromorphic Adaptation and Learning Using Fuzzy-Membership Function Based Neural Networks in Industrial Chemical Process," Proceedings of the 1st Bahrain International Conference on Computers in Industry, 6-8 Nov. 1995, pp. 2-20, Bahrain, 1995.
Conf-09(1996) Al-Gallaf E & Warwick K., "Fuzzy Membership Based Neural Employment in Visual Servoing and Manipulation by a Multi-Finger Robot Hand ”, Proceedings of the International ICSC Symposia on Intelligent Industrial Automation (IIA ’96), March 1996, pp. 168-174, Reading, UK, 1996.
Conf-10 (1996) Al-Gallaf E. & Warwick K., "Acquiring Multi-Fingered Robot Hand Skills via Reinforcement Learning for Stiffness Control," Proceedings of the International ICSC Symposia on Intelligent Industrial Automation (IIA ’96), March 1996, pp. 175-181, Reading, UK, 1996.
Conf-11 (1996) Al-Gallaf E. & Al-Mutiab K., "Visual Manipulation Based on Multi-Finger Robot Hand , " IEEE Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computing Systems : Theory and Applications, 3-5 Sept. 1996, Al-Askandaria, Egypt, 1996.
Conf-12 (1998) Al-Gallaf E. & Al-Ruwaihi K., "Remote Image Segmentation and Understanding via Artificial Convolution Neural Networks " Proceedings of the Middle East International GIS Conference and Workshops, October 19-21, Bahrain, 1998.
Conf-13(1998) Al-Gallaf E. & Al-Ruwaihi K., "Fuzzy Remote Image Clustering " Proceedings of the Middle East International GIS Conference and Workshops, October 19-21, 1998, Bahrain, 1998.
Conf-14(1998) Al-Gallaf E. & Murad G.,"A Digital H-inf Loop Shaping Controller for an Active Mass Driver System : A Benchmarks Problem in Controlling Buildings" , Proceedings of the International American Control Congress : ACC-Publication , USA, 1998.
Conf-15(1999) Al-Gallaf E. & Qamber I., "Neural-Fuzzy Clustering for Anomalous Week Load Forecasting," Conference: GCC CIGRE 10th Annual Symposium, Volume: 1 Conference and the 5th Exhibition for Electrical Equipment’s, pp. 50-64, Jeddah, KSA, 1999.
Conf-16(2000) Al-Gallaf E. " Neural Network Based Inverse Kinematics for Multi-Finger Hand Control,” Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference in Neural Networks [NN’2000], pp. 82-87, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 2000.
Conf-17(2000) Al-Gallaf E. & Sultan A., "Neuro-Fuzzy Based Model Predictive Control,” Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference in Modeling and Simulation [MS’ 2000], pp. 276-282, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 2000.
Conf-18(2000) Al-Gallaf E., " Constrained Neuro-fuzzy Model Predictive Control ”, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer in Industry, pp. 151-156, Bahrain, 2000.
Conf-19(2000) Al-Gallaf E., Qamber I., & Al-Jamea A., "Reliability Assessment of Evolutionary-Neural Load Predication for State of Bahrain”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer in Industry, pp. 97-105, Bahrain, 2000.
Conf-20(2000) Al-Gallaf E., "New Era of Training and Continuing Education, “ Proceedings of the International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education, ICTVT-2000, 14-17 Nov, Malaysia, 2000.
Conf-21(2001) Al-Gallaf E., "GCC Countries and the Future Prospects of Continuing Education, " Proceedings of the International Conference on Millennium Dawn on Training and Continuing Education, MDTCE-2001, pp. 555-562, April, Bahrain, 2001.
Conf-22(2002) Al-Ruwaihi K. & Al-Gallaf E., "Engineering Education in the New Millennium: What Should we Concentrate On ?, The 6th Saudi Engineering Conference , “ KSA, 15-18, March 2002.
Conf-23(2002) Al-Gallaf E. & Al-Junaid H., "Hinf Robust Fuzzy Control for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems " Proceedings of the ICAIA’2002 10th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications, Cairo, Feb 6-9, 2002.
Conf-24(2002) Al-Gallaf E. & Al-Junaid H., " Robust Fuzzy Control for Nonlinear Parametric Uncertainty Systems ", Proceedings of the 2nd Arabian Technology and Sciences Conference , SRO-2002, 24-27, UAE, March 2002.
Conf-25(2003) Al-Gallaf E., "The Effect of Communication, and Information Technology on the Quality, Competence and Effectiveness of Technician ", Regional Conference on Engineering Technician Competence and Effectiveness Conference and Exhibition, 26-27 April, Kingdom of Bahrain, 2003.
Conf-26(2003) Al-Gallaf E., "Role of University-Industry Relation in Bahrain in Enhancing Technology Transfer, "Proceedings of the First Middle East Conference on Technology Transfer, 22-23, September, Kingdom of Bahrain, 2003.
Conf-27(2003) Al-Gallaf E., "Neuro-Fuzzy Based Takagi-Sugeno Clustering And Modeling of Nonlinear System,” Proceedings of the International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT'2003). 23-25 December, Egypt, 2003.
Conf-28(2004) Al-Gallaf E., " LMI Based Robust Fuzzy Stabilization of a Nonlinear Dynamic System ", IASTED 23rd International conference on "MODELING, IDENTIFICATION, AND CONTROL (MIC 2004), February 23-25, pp. 250-25, Grindelwald, Switzerland, 2004.
Conf-29(2004) Al-Gallaf E., " Neuro-Fuzzy Based Takagi-Sugeno Modeling of Nonlinear Multivariable Antenna Dynamic System" , IASTED 23rd International conference on "MODELING, IDENTIFICATION, AND CONTROL (MIC 2004), February 23-25, pp. 241-249, Grindelwald, Switzerland, 2004.
Conf-30(2004) Al-Mansoori W., Al-Gallaf E., & A. Issa, " Neuro-fuzzy Output Time Delay Model For Short Channel CMOS Inverter", 2nd IEEE Conference (GCC), Bahrain 23-26, 2004.
Conf-31(2004) Al-Gallaf E. & Al Mutib K., " Multi-finger Robot Hand Neuro-fuzzy Mapping and Control," The International Arab Conference on Information Technology ACIT-2004, December 12 - 15 , Université Mentouri Constantine, Algeria, 2004.
Conf-32(2005) Ebrahim Al-Gallaf & Khalid Al-Mutib, "Neuro-Fuzzy System Based Dexterous Robot Hand Task Space Manipulation", IEEE Sponsored SETIT 2005 3rd International Conference: Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, March 27-31, 2005, TUNISIA.
Conf-33(2006) Al-Gallaf E., "Robotics System Optimal Task Control, (Neuro-Inverse Kinematics Approach) ", IEEE GCC International Conference, March 21 - 23 , 2006, Kingdom of Bahrain.
Conf-34(2006) Al-Gallaf E., "Intelligent Nonlinear Predictive Control ", IEEE GCC International Conference, March 21 - 23 , 2006, Kingdom of Bahrain.
Conf-35(2006) Al-Gallaf E., "Role of University Industry Relation in Bahrain in Enhancing Technology Transfer", Proceedings of 1st University of Bahrain Scientific Research Conference, 2006, Kingdom of Bahrain, April 28–29, 2006.
Conf-36(2006) Al-Gallaf E., "Measurement of an Image Principal Components Understanding Via Artificial Neural Networks ", 3rd Middle East Metrology Conference and Exhibition -Measurement and Instrumentation, 2006, 29-31 May 2006, Kingdom of Bahrain.
Conf-37(2006) Al-Gallaf E., "Nonlinear System State Measurement in Presence of Disturbance ", 3rd Middle East Metrology Conference and Exhibition -Measurement and Instrumentation, 2006, 29-31 May 2006, Bahrain.
Conf-38(2006) Mehmet Akbaba, Amin M. Sultan, & Al-Gallaf E., "Detailed Transient Analysis of Self Excited Induction Generator Feeding Induction Motor ", XVII International Conference on Electrical Machines, September 2–5, 2006, Greece.
Conf-39 (2008) Al-Gallaf E. & Akbaba M., "LMI– Intelligent Modeling and Control of Highly Nonlinear Electrical System," Proceedings of the IET International Conference on Intelligent Systems (ICIS-2008), 1-3, December 2008, Kingdom of Bahrain.
Conf-40 (2008) M. A Hameed & Al-Gallaf E., "Iris Recognition: Principal Component Analysis Approach, " Proceedings of the IET International Conference on Intelligent Systems (ICIS-2008), 1-3, December 2008, Kingdom of Bahrain.
Conf-41 (2007) Al-Gallaf E., "Funding Scientific Research : International Experience and Studies ", Proceedings of 2nd University of Bahrain Scientific Research Conference, 2007, March 28–29, (2007), Kingdom of Bahrain. (University of Bahrain Local Forum).
Conf-42 (2007) E. Mattar, "Robotics Neural Net Grasping System, a Dialogue Article," for the IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO’07), at the Microelectronics and Information Systems Research Center National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, December 9-11, 2007.
Conf-43(2009) E. Al-Gallaf, "Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Synthesis Via Artificial Neural Networks State Identification," International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation (ICCMS-2009), February 20-22, (2009), Macau, China.
Conf-44 (2009) E. Al-Gallaf, "Intelligent Nonlinear Predictive Control State Identification," International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation (ICCMS-2009), Organized by the International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology, Macau, China, February 20-22, (2009).
Conf-45 (2010) E. Al-Gallaf & H. Al-Junaid, "Hinf Robust Control for Nonlinear Parametric Uncertain Dynamic Systems Fuzzy Gain-Scheduling ", (EPSCI-CON 2010), IEEE International Conference on Power, Signals, Control and Computation, January 04-06, 2010, Thrissur, INDIA.
Conf-46 (2010) E. Al-Gallaf & A. Sultan, "Model Predictive Control Technique ANN Nonlinear Plants Modeling and Controller Synthesis", (EPSCI-CON 2010), IEEE International Conference on Power, Signals, Control and Computation, January 04-06, 2010, Thrissur, INDIA.
Conf-47 (2010) Al-Gallaf E. & Al-Mutib K., "ANN Dexterous Robotics Hand Optimal Control Methodology Grasping and Manipulation Forces Optimization, " The Fifteenth International Symposium On Artificial Life And Robotics (AROB 15th ’10) AROB 15th ANNIVERSARY, February 4-6, 2010, B-Con Plaza, Beppu, Oita, JAPAN.
Conf-48 (2010) E. Mattar (Al-Gallaf), [2010] "Epipolar-Kinematics Relations Estimation, Neural Approximation For Robotics Closed Loop Visual Servo System", (ICCAE-2010), A Paper presented and Published in the Proceedings of the IEEE 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE-2010), 26 - 28, February 2010, Singapore.
Conf-49 (2011) Mattar E., Al Mutib K, & Hamdan H., "Bio-Inspired Transputer Based-Fuzzy Mobile Robot, " Presented and published manuscript at the (Bionetics 2010), 5th International ICST Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems, December 1-3, 2010 - Boston, MA, USA.
Conf-50 (2010) Mattar E. Al-Gallaf, & H. Al-Junaid, "Hinf Robust Stabilization of Nonlinear System: Fuzzy System Approach ", (ICCAE-2010), A Paper presented and Published in the Proceedings of the IEEE 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE-2010), 26 - 28, February 2010, Singapore.
Conf-51 (2010) Mattar E., "A Learning Rule-Based Robotics Hand Optimal Force Closure, " The Second International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks CICSyN2009, Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Publication, 28 – 30 July 2010, Liverpool, UK.
Conf-52 (2010) Mattar E., & K. Al Mutib, "Bio-Inspired Robotics Hands: A Work in Progress, " Presented And Published manuscript in the Proceedings at the (Bionetics 2010), 5th International ICST Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems, December 1-3, 2010 - Boston, MA, USA.
Conf-53 (2011) Al Mutib K., Al Sulaiman M., Mathkour H., & Mattar E., "D* Lite Based Real-Time Multi-Agent Path Planning in Dynamic Environments," Proceedings IEEE on CIMSim2011, The Third International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modeling & Simulation, Print ISBN: 978-1-4577-1797-0, 20 – 22 September 2011, (2011), Malaysia.
Conf-54 (2011) Al Mutib K. & Mattar E., "Neuro-fuzzy Controlled Autonomous Mobile Robotics System," 13th International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation (UKSim), 2011 UK-Sim, March 30 2011-April 1 2011, ISBN: 978-1-61284-705-4, pp. 1-7, Cambridge, UK.
Conf-55 (2011) Mattar E., "Dexterous Robotics Hands: ANN Based Artificial Muscles Control," 13th International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation (UKSim), 2011 UK-Sim, March 30 2011 - April 1 2011, Print ISBN: 978-1-61284-705-4, pp. 224-229, Cambridge, UK.
Conf-56 (2011) Mattar E., "Financing Scientific Research: International Practice," Accepted manuscript for the (ICSR 2011), First Gulf International Conference on Scientific Research, Bahrain University, April 25-26, 2011, Kingdom of Bahrain.
Conf-57 (2011) Mattar E. & Al Mutib K., "Synthesizing Fuzzy Based Model Predictive Controller," Proceedings of IEEE on CIMSim2011, The Third International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modeling & Simulation, Print ISBN: 978-1-4577-1797-0, 20 – 22 September 2011, Malaysia.
Conf-58 (2011) Mattar E. & Al Mutib K., "Fuzzy Gain-Scheduling Nonlinear Parametric Uncertain System ," Proceedings of IEEE on CIMSim2011, The Third International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modeling & Simulation, Print ISBN: 978-1-4577-1797-0, 20 – 22 September 2011, Malaysia.
Conf-59(2011) Al Mutib K., Al Sulaiman M., Mathkour H., Mattar E., & Ramdane H., " KSU-IMR; An Intelligent Mobile Robotics System: Active Stereo Vision Path Planning Navigation For Unstructured Environments," Presented at The Twenty-Fourth International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (CAINE-2011), November 16-18, 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
Conf-60(2012) Mattar E., "Biomimetic Dexterous Hands: Human Like Multi-fingered Robotics Hand Control," Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society, 14th International Conference on Computer Modeling And Simulation (UKSim), 2012 UK-Sim, Paper ID: #1569568861, 28-30 - March 2012, 978-0-7695-4682-7/12, 2012 IEEE University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
Conf-61(2012) K. Al-Mutib, M. Al Sulaiman, Hedjar Ramdane, M. M. Emaduddin, And E. A. Mattar., "Active Stereo Vision for Mobile Robot Localization and Mapping Path Planning," Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society, 14th International Conference on Computer Modeling And Simulation (UKSim), 2012 UK-Sim, Paper ID: #1569571081, 28-30 - March 2012, 978-0-7695-4682-7/12, 2012 IEEE, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
Conf-62(2012) Mattar E., “Technical Education in Bahrain: Plans and Directions,” ALECSO Regional Meeting in Sudan for (Arabian for Education, Culture and Sciences Organization, The ALECSO), Sudan, 9th – 12th of April 2012, Sudan.
Conf-63(2012) K. Al-Mutib, E. A. Mattar, M. Al Sulaiman, H. Ramdane, & M. Emaduddin, "Neural Net Robotics Visual Servo: Learning the Epipolar Geometry," Proceedings of (WORLDCOMP'12 - The 2012 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing), The 2012 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, LAs Vegas, Navada, July 16-19. ICAI'12 , 2012, USA.
Conf-64(2012) M. Emaduddin, K. Al-Mutib, M. Al Sulaiman, H. Ramdane, & E. Mattar, "Accurate Floor Detection and Segmentation for Indoor Navigation Using RGB+D And Stereo Cameras," Proceedings of (WORLDCOMP'12 - The 2012 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing). The 16th International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, & Pattern Recognition (IPCV'12: July 16-19, 2012, USA), LAs Vegas, Navada, July 16-19. ICAI'12 , 2012, USA.
Conf-65(2012) K. Mutib, M. Emaduddin, M. Alsulaiman, H. Ramdane, & E. Mattar, "Motion Periodicity based Pedestrian Detection and Particle Filter based Pedestrian Tracking using Stereo Vision Camera," IEEE Sponsored Conference, and Proceedings of 2012 19th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice (M2VIP), pp. 37-42, November 28-30, AUT University Campus, Auckland. Proceedings of the IEEE, Xplore, 978-1-4673-1643-9, New Zealand.
Conf-66(2013) M. Emaduddin, K. Al-Mutib, M. Al Sulaiman, H. Ramdane, & E. Mattar, "Motion Periodicity based Pedestrian Detection and Tracking using Stereo Vision Camera," Proceedings of (CATA-2013), 978-1-880843-90-1 / ISCA CATA / March 2013, pp. 45-50, March 4-6, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2013, Hawaii, USA.
Conf-67(2013) K. Al Mutib, M. Al Sulaiman, E. Mattar, H. Ramdane And Muhammad Emad AL-Dean, "Neural Network Vision-Based Visual Servoing And Navigation for KSU-IMR Mobile Robot Using Epipolar Geometry," Proceedings of the the International Conference on Soft Computing And Software Engineering 2013 (SCSE'13). SCSE 2013 held on March 1-3, 2013, San Francisco State University, Downtown Campus, San Francisco, California, Chaired by Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh, USA.
Conf-68(2013) E. Mattar, "e_GRASP: A MATLAB Based Comprehensive Dexterous Robotic Hand Modeling And Simulation Environment," Proceedings of the IEEE 2013 UKSim 15th International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation, 10-12 April 2013, pp. 254, 259, 978-0-7695-4994-1/13, 2013 IEEE, UK, 2013.
Conf-69(2013) K. Al-Mutib, N. Adamali Shah, & E. Mattar, "Performance Analysis of Fuzzy Logic And PID Controller for PM DC Motor Drive," Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 22-25, 2013, Las Vegas, USA, 2013.
Conf-70(2013) M. Algabri, K. Al-Mutib, M. Alsulaiman, H. Ramdane, M. Emaduddin & E. Mattar, "Mobile Robot Navigation Using Neuro-fuzzy System," Proceedings of the 6th World Summit on the Knowledge Society, 19-21, June 2013, Aveiro, Portugal, 2013.
Conf-71(2013) M. Algabri, K. Al-Mutib, M. Alsulaiman, H. Ramdane, M. Emaduddin & E. Mattar, "Mobile Robot Navigation and Obstacle-avoidance Using Neuro-fuzzy System in Unknown Environment," Proceedings of the CAINE 2013, 26th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering, September 25–27, 2013, California, USA.
Conf-72(2013) M. Faisal, K. Al-Mutib, R. Hedjar, H. Mathkour, M. Alsulaiman, and E. Mattar, "Multi Modules Fuzzy Logic for Mobile Robots Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance in Unknown Indoor Dynamic Environment", SCI 2013, Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Systems, Control and Informatics, September 28-30, Venice, Italy, 2013.
Conf-73(2014) E. Mattar, K. Al-Mutib, M. Al Sulaiman, H. Ramdane, M. Emaduddin, "KSU-IMR Occupancy Grids and Stereo Vision SLAM Navigation: Neuro Occupancy Mapping", (Invited Keynote Lecture), & in Proceedings of EPSCICON-2014, Thrissur, 8-10 January, India
Conf-74(2014) E. Mattar, K. Al-Mutib, M. Alsulaiman, H. Ramdane, M. Emaduddin, "A Survey : Intelligent Based Mobile Robots Stereo Vision Maps Synthesis and Learning Methodologies," IEEE Proceedings of 2014 Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modeling and Simulation, 2014 IEEE DOI 10.1109/ISMS.2014.159, pp. 93-98, Malaysia 2014.
Conf-75(2014) K. Almutib, M. Emaduddin, M. Alsulaiman, H. Ramdane and E. Mattar, "Reliable Multi-baseline Stereovision filter for Navigation in Unknown Indoor Environments, " BICoB-2014, 6th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BICoB), March 24 - 26, 2014 Las Vegas, Nevada (In conjunction with CATA-2014), USA.
Conf-76(2014) E. Mattar, "PCA Learning for Non-Brain Waves-Controlled Robotic Hand (Prosthesis): Grasp Stabilization and Control", Proceedings of the IEEE 2014 UKSim 16th , International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation, 26-28 March 2014, 2014IEEE, UK, 2014.
Conf-77(2014) E. Mattar, "Robotics Innovation: Motivation to Research and Capitalize on Fast Emerging Market", UoB_IS Forum," IS Forum: Information Systems in Bahrain, Toward a Knowledge Society", Wed, 21st May 2014, University of Bahrain, Bahrain. (University of Bahrain Local Forum) .
Conf-78(2014) E. Mattar, "Enhancing Learning Process through Engagement with Professional Societies: University of Bahrain Practice", UoB College of Engineering 2014 Symposium, University of Bahrain 5th of June 2014, Bahrain.
Conf-79(2014) K. Al Mutib, E. Mattar, M. AlSulaiman, H. Ramdane, "PCA Based Mobile Robot Navigation and Mapping Intelligence," Proceedings of ISCA 27th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (CAINE-2014), October 13-15, 2014, New Orleans, USA.
Conf-80(2014) E. Mattar, K. Al Mutib, M. AlSulaiman, H. Ramdane, "KSU-IMR Mobile Robot Navigation Maps Building and Learning," Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Manufacturing (ICMIM 2014), UAE, December 2014.
Conf-81(2014) E. Mattar, "Neural Net Control of High Nonlinear 2-DOF Nonlinear Robotic Arm," Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Manufacturing (ICMIM 2014), UAE, December 2014.
Conf-82(2014) E. Mattar, "Cognition Learning: Brain-Wave for Robotic Grasping and Dexterity Enhancement," Proceedings of the 2014 (IEEE-ROBIO2014), IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, December 5-10, 2014, Bali, Indonesia.
Conf-83(2014) E. Mattar, K. Al Mutib, M. AlSulaiman, H. Ramdane, "Stereo Vision SLAM Based Indoor Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation," Proceedings of the 2014 (IEEE-ROBIO2014), IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, December 5-10, 2014, Bali, Indonesia, 2014.
Conf-84(2015) K. Al-Mutiba, E. Mattar, and M. Alsulaiman, "Implementation of Fuzzy Decision Based Mobile Robot Navigation using Stereo Vision," 2015 International Conference on Soft Computing and Software Engineering (SCSE'15), University of California, Berkeley, USA, 5-6 March 2015.
Conf-85(2015) E. Mattar, "Neural Net Control of High Nonlinear 2-DOF Nonlinear Robotic Arm," Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 5th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering-Information Processing and Control Engineering (WCSE 2015-IPCE), April 15-17, 2015, Moscow, Russia.
Conf-86(2015) E. Mattar, "Learning Occupancy Features and Characterizations of Mobile Robot Stereo-Vision Based SLAM Navigation," College of Science 7th Scientific Research Forum, University of Bahrain, 13-14 April 2015. (University of Bahrain Local Forum).
Conf-87(2015) Khalid Al Mutib, Ebrahim A. Mattar, and Abdulla Al Mutib, "Learning Grasping Optimality with EEG Hand Recordings: BMI for Robotic-Prosthetic Motion Control", Submitted to the 28th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering, CAINE 2015, October 12-14, 2015, Harbor Island, San Diego, California, USA.
Conf-88(2015) E. Mattar and H. Al-Junaid , "LMI Lyapunov Based TS Fuzzy Modeling and Controller Synthesis for a Nonlinear Ball and Beam System," Proceedings of ISER 4th International Conference, August 2015, ISBN: 978-93-85465-78-9, 2015.
Conf-89(2015) E. Mattar and K. Al-Mutib, "EEG Complex Grasping Patterns Recognition for BMI Robotic and Prosthesis Motion Control," Appears in IEEE Xplore, (978-1-78561-186-5). Invited Talk and Proceedings of the IET Michael Faraday International Summit: MFIIS-2015, September 21 – 13, 2015, Kolkata, India.
Conf-90(2015) Khalid Al Mutib, Ebrahim A. Mattar, and Abdulla Al Mutib, "Learning Grasping Optimality with EEG Hand Recordings: BMI for Robotic-Prosthetic Motion Control," Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering, CAINE 2015, October 12-14, 2015, Harbor Island, San Diego, California, USA.
Conf-91(2015) E. Mattar, “EEG Brainwaves for Robotics and Prosthesis Grasping and Motorization,” Presented as a Keynote Lecture at ICKEA 2015, & in Proceedings of International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Applications (ICKEA 2015), UAE, 12-13 November 2015, UAE.
Conf-92(2015) E. Mattar, and K. Al-Mutib, "Understanding of Metric-Topological Maps for Mobile Robot Navigation," (IEEE-ROBIO2015) Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, December 6-9, 2015, Zhuhai, China.
Conf-93(2016) E. Mattar, H. Al-Junaid, "Fuzzy C-Means Classification of Electroencephalography (EEG) Waves for Robotic System Time Events and Control," Conference: The 14th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, at (PRICAI 2016), Volume: 1, ISBN 978-616-92700-1-0, 22-26 August 2016, Thailand.
Conf-94(2016) E. Mattar, and A. Bu Hamood, "Development of Fuzzy-Decision Based Building Energy Preservation and Management System", A paper presented during (WREC17), the 17th World Renewable Energy Congress, 4-6 December 2016, Crowne Plaza, Bahrain.
Conf-94(2016) E. Mattar, K. AlMutib, M. AlSulaiman, and H. Ramdane, "Mobile Robot Neuro-fuzzy Navigation Based VSLAM Features Learning," Proceedings of the 9th Conference & Exhibition (2017 9th IEEE-GCC Conference and Exhibition (GCCCE)), 9-11 May 2017, 978-1-5386-2756-3/17/ ©2017 IEEE, pp. 151- 156, Bahrain.
Conf-96 (2017) E. Mattar, "Machine Intelligence Based Living and Behavior Learning for Renewable Energy Management in Buildings," One Belt One Road Initiative, Renewable Energy Conference, 13-14 May 2017, Bahrain.
Conf-97 (2017) : E. Mattar, "Machine Learning Tools Based EEG Decoding and Understanding for Limbs Movements," International Conference for Assistive Technology (Techno No Disability ), 3-5 December, 2017.
Conf-98 (2018): E. Mattar and H. Al Junaid, “PAC Analysis for EEG Analysis of Grasping Tasks for Robotics Learning,” Proceedings of the IEEE-Explorer - EPSCICON 2018 4th International Conference on Power Signals Control & Computation, 6th to 10th January 2018, Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thrissur - Kerala, 2018, India.
Conf-99, (2018): A. M. Naeem, M. Hussain, E. Mattar, "Classification Based Decoding and Understanding of Eye Electroencephalography Movements for Robotics Application," Indexed in IET-Inspec, 1st Smart Cities Symposium Proceedings, (SCS-2018), April 22-23, Bahrain.
Conf-100 (2018) E. Mattar and H. AL-Junaid, "Manipulation Related EEG Brainwave Feature Extraction and Events Recognition for Robotics Learning Applications," Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO-2018, December 12-15, 2018, pp. 2051 – 2056, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
Conf-101 (2019) E. Mattar, "Robotics Innovation Role, Features, and Capitalization Related to Fast Emerging International Markets", Proceedings of the International Conference on Fourth Industrial Revolution 19-21 February 2019, Bahrain.
Conf-102 (2019) Khalid Al-Mutib and Ebrahim, "Robotics Research in the Middle East: A Regional Survey, and Future Prospects," Conference: 25-26 MARCH 2019, JUBAIL INDUSTRIAL CITY KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA, 25-26 March 2019, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Conf-103: M. Sallout and E. Mattar, ”Electroencephalography adaptive classification and decoding techniques,” 2nd Smart Cities Symposium (SCS 2019), 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1049/cp.2019.0216, IET Proceedings, 24-26 March 2019, Bahrain.
Conf-104: E. A. Mattar, A. H. Alhamad, M. A. Elhawy, A. Khalid and H. N. Alshomali, ”Electroencephalography Synthesis of hand movement: Events features Detection, Classification, for Robotics Applications,” 2nd Smart Cities Symposium (SCS 2019), 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1049/cp.2019.0211, IET Proceedings, 24-26 March 2019, Bahrain.
Conf-105 (2019): Ebrahim Mattar, Hessa Al-Junaid, Khalid N. Al-Mutib "Electroencephalography Features Extraction and Deep Patterns Analysis for Robotics Learning and Control through Brain-Computer Interface," 3rd ICT - 4th Edition, Bahrain.
Conf-106 (2019): Ebrahim Mattar, "AI for Social Applications," 2nd Int. Conference for Excellence of the Social Works, 5-7 October 2019, Bahrain.
Conf-107 (2019): Ebrahim Mattar, "Robotics Surveillance and Security Applications: Surveying Recent Trends and Directions," The 9th ASIS Middle East 2019 Conference and Exhibition, Nov. 2019, Bahrain.
Conf-108 (2019): Mohammad Sallout and Ebrahim Mattar, "Enhanced EEG Classification Accuracy Personal-based for Smart Healthcare Applications," Future Smart Cities (FSC) - 2nd Edition 05, Nov - 07, Nov 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Conf-109 (2019): Ebrahim Mattar, Hessa Al-Junaid, Khalid N. Al-Mutib, "EEG Events Patterns Recognition for Robotics Reasoning and Decision Enhancement," 16th IEEE ROBIO 2019, International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics), 06 – 08 December 2019, Dali, Yunnan, China.
Conf-110 (2020): Ebrahim Mattar and H J Al-Junaid, "Electroencephalography Fuzzy Based Classification for Robotics Learning Applications," Robotics Congress 2021, I-World Summit on Robotics, June 08-09, 2020.
Conf-111 (2020): Ebrahim Mattar, Iffat Rashid, and Marriam Rahat, "SVM Classification Based Fuzzy Understanding of Eye Electroencephalography Movements for Robotics Applications," Proceedings of the 3rd SMART CITIES SYMPOSIUM, IET-Inspec indexed, 21-23 September 2020.
Conf-112 (2020): Mohammed Sallout and Ebrahim Mattar, "EEG-based Classification of Visually Evoked Emotions using Multiscale Entropy Features," Proceedings of the 3rd SMART CITIES SYMPOSIUM, IET-Inspec indexed, 21-23 September 2020.
Conf-113 (2021): Ebrahim Mattar, "Electroencephalography Fuzzy Based Classification for Robotics Learning Applications," Robotics Congress 2021, II-World Summit on Robotics, UAE, February 24, 2021.
Conf-114 (2023): Fatema A. Sarhan and Ebrahim Mattar, "Fake Accounts Detection in Online Social Networks using Hybrid Machine Learning Models," UKSim-AMSS 25th International Conference on Modelling & Simulation, Cambridge University (Emmanuel College), 12 - 14 April 2023.
Conf-115 (2023): Albanki Jawaher; Ebrahim Mattar, "Fake Accounts Detection in Online Social Networks using Hybrid Machine Learning Models," UKSim-AMSS 25th International Conference on Modelling & Simulation, Cambridge University (Emmanuel College), 12 - 14 April 2023.
Conf-116 (2023): Ebrahim Mattar, "Electroencephalography for Enhancing Robotics Learning: CNN Convolutional Neural Network Approach," UKSim-AMSS 25th International Conference on Modelling & Simulation, Cambridge University (Emmanuel College), 12 - 14 April 2023.
{Book-1}: Ebrahim Mattar, "Robots, Mechanics of Perception and New Trends in Modern Industry," A Book Published by Arabian Establishment for Printing, Bahrain, 1999.
{Book-2}: Ebrahim Mattar, "Robotics Hands:A Way Forward for Intelligent and Skillful Manipulation," A Foreword By: Professor Kevin Warwick. Professor of Cybernetics Reading University, UK, Bahrain, 2000.
{Book-3}: Ebrahim Mattar, "Muharreq Diving and Pearl History", Published during 2023. Public Book (~300 page).
{Book-4}: Ebrahim Mattar, "Bahrain Education History", Published during 2023. Public Book (~300 page).
III : Technical & Project Reports
Project Report:
Energy Saving in Bahrain :
Technical Report submitted to the University of Bahrain and the UN-DEP, Bahrain.
Author: Qamber I. & Al-Gallaf E., 1998.
Project Report:
Energy Saving and Intelligent House Automation :
Study Report submitted to the University of Bahrain, Deanship for Scientific Research
Author: Al-Gallaf E., 1998.
Technical Report:
Building a 2-DOF Robotic Arm at UoB
Author: Al-Gallaf E., 1999.
Project Report:
Bahrain Social-Cultural and Educational-Training Dimensions in Flattering Job Creation Educational, Cultural and Social : Dealings Prospects with Restructuring Policies, Technical Report of DARDEN School of Business Visit. Al-Gallaf E., Bosera A. & Al-Hashimi A. & Amin K., 1999
Darden Gulf Executive Program:
Gulf Executive Program in Management in Darden, Technical Report of DARDEN School of Business visit submitted to University of Bahrain Council
Author: Al-Gallaf E., 2000.
Technical Report:
Neural Network Face Recognition Via Principle Components Analysis, Technical Report submitted to University of Bahrain Deanship of Scientific Research Sponsorship :
Author: Al-Gallaf E & Al-Ruwihi K., 2000.
Project Report:
Engineering Job Creation in Bahrain Over the Coming 10 Years, Technical Report submitted to the Deanship of Scientific Research, University of Bahrain.
Author: Al-Gallaf E., 2000.
Technical Report:
Designing a Robotics Arm System for Science Center, for educational services and for children show over a Stage.
Author: Al-Gallaf E., 2000.
Project Report:
Neural Network Financial Stock Market Forecasting, Technical Report submitted to Deanship of Scientific Research
Author: Al-Gallaf E., & Al-Mutawia S., 1998.
Technical Report:
Modeling of Materials Internal Physical Parameters, Technical Report submitted to Bahrain Welding Wire Products
Sponsored by Bahrain Welding Wire Products, Bahrain. Author: Al-Gallaf E., 2007.
Project Report:
Phase 1: Intelligent Mobile Robotics System: Intelligent Interaction Capabilities With an Active Stereo Vision - Path Planning Navigation in Unstructured Hazardous Environments, Sponsored by King A. Aziz City For Science and Technology, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Author: Al Mutib K., Mattar E. Ramdane H., Al Sulaiman M., Abdsemed F., Mathkour H. & Arafah M., 2010.
Project Report:
Face Recognition System
Sponsored by King A. Aziz City For Science and Technology, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Author: Al Mutib K., Mattar E. Ramdane H., Al Sulaiman M., Abdsemed F., Mathkour H. & Arafah M., 2008.
Project Report:
High Speed Vehicle Detection on Bahrain Highways, Technical Report submitted to Deanship of Scientific Research, Bahrain University
Sponsorship : Deanship for Scientific Research, University of Bahrain.
Author: Mattar E., 2010.
Project Report:
Co-Author of: Intelligent Mobile Robotics System: Intelligent Interaction Capabilities with an Active Stereo Vision - Path Planning Navigation in Unstructured Hazardous Environments ASTP-09, Submitted to National Plan for Science and Technology, King Saud University, KSA.
IV : Technical Magazines Publications
NJ01: 1995: Multi-finger Robot Hands Design, AKH Engineering Press, 1995.
NJ02: 1996: New Era of Robotics Technology in Bahrain-1, Publication of Bahrain Society of Engineers, Al-Muhandis Magazine.
NJ03: 1996: New Era of Robotics Technology in Bahrain-2, Publication of Bahrain Society of Engineers, Al-Muhandis Magazine.
NJ04: 1996: Robotics Technology, Publication of Bahrain Society of Engineers, Al-Muhandis Magazine.
NJ05: 1997: Robotics And Tomorrows Technology, AKH Engineering Press, 1997.
NJ06: 1996: A Robotics Arm system Built at University of Bahrain, Engineering News in, AYAM Press, 1996.
NJ07: 1998: Engineering Education, Engineering News in, Engineering News in, AYAM Press, 1998.
NJ08: 2000: Intelligent House of the Future, Engineering News in, AYAM Press, 20th of March 2000.
NJ09: 2000: Electrical Energy Conservation And Smart Houses, JDN News, 21st March 2000.
NJ10: 1999: Face Value: Neural Network Based Face Recognition and Feature Control, Engineering UOB News & Views Magazine, 1999.
NJ11: 1997: Engineering of Robotics Arm Design, In UOB, News and Views Magazine, 1997.
NJ12: 1998: Engineering Education, AKH Engineering Press, 22nd of July 1998.
NJ13: 1997: Robot Technology and its Use in Bahrain, in the Al-Mohandis (Publication of Bahrain Society of Engineers), 1997.
NJ14: 2000: Engineering Education, Engineering News in, AYAM Press, 2000.
NJ15: 2000: Neural Network for Power Demand Predication in Bahrain, Engineering UOB News And Views, June 2000.
NJ16: 2000: Micro-Robot Technology, University of Bahrain, News and Views, October, 2000.
NJ17: 2000: Continuing Engineering Education, Engineering UOB News and Views Magazine, 2000.
NJ18: 2000: Engineering Education : Part 1 , UOB Engineering News and Views Magazine, 2000.
NJ19: 2000: Engineering Education : Part 2 , UOB Engineering News and Views Magazine, 2000.
NJ20 :2000: Advanced Robot Applications, Al-Muhandis Magazine (Publication of Bahrain Society of Engineers), December, 2000.
NJ21 :2001: Artificial Biology, UOB Engineering News and Views Magazine, November 2001.
NJ22 :2001: Engineering Specializations in GCC, Technical Colleges,Ten Coming Years: Eng, IT Impact”, AKH Engineering News, Nov. 2001.
NJ23: 2002: Humanoid Robots: Is it a fiction or a Reality, Engineering News, AKHEJ Press, 3rd January 2002.
NJ24: 2002: Humanoid Robots: Is it a fiction or a Reality, Publication of Bahrain Society of Engineers, BSE Magazine, April, 2002.
NJ25: 2002: A Future View of Community Services Colleges in Higher Education, Engineering News, AKHEJ Press, 31st March 200.
NJ26: 2002: Virtual Learning and the Human Resources Development in the Informative, Engineering News, AKHEJ Press, Sept. 2002.
NJ27: 2003: Intelligent Robotics Arm at UOB: New Dimensions Towards AI and Sciences For Eng. Education, UOB News and Views, 2003.
NJ28: 2003: Modernization of Technical Education and Linking its Outcomes with Marketplace, in Engineering, WD Press, February 2003.
NJ29: 2003: Technology and Scientific Research in the Arab World, Engineering News, AKHEJ Press, 12th October 2003.
NJ30: 2004: Scientific Research UOB, ( News and Views Magazine), May 2004.
NJ31: 2007: Robotics Arm Control : Educational Example of Teaching Intelligence and Control, BSE, Magazine, February 2007.
NJ32: 2007: GCC Electronics Industry, Publication of Bahrain Society of Engineers, BSE Magazine, June 2007.
NJ33: 2009: Muharreq Jobs Heritage, in Engineering, WD Press, February 2009.
NJ34: 2009: Higher Education Rules and Regulations, in Engineering, WD Press, July 2009.
NJ35: 2009: Research in Local Academic Institutions, in Engineering, WD Press, 18th September, 2009.
NJ36: 2009: King Abdullah University in KSA, in Engineering, WD Press, 18th November, 2009.
NJ37: 2010: Academic Societies in Bahrain, 3rd February, 2010.
NJ38: 2010: Private Universities, Heading Directions, in Engineering, WD Press, 21st February, 2010.
NJ39: 2010: Scientific Research in GCC, in Engineering, WD Press, 26th July, 2010.
NJ40: 2010: Bahrain Educational Platform, in Engineering, WD Press, 11th October, 2010.
NJ41: 2011: 2010 Education Survey & Achievements, in Engineering, WD Press, 1st January 2011.
NJ42: 2011: Scientific Research Financial Funding, in Engineering, WD Press, 30th January 2011.
NJ43: 2011: Engineering Education Values, in Engineering, WD Press , 5th March 2011.
NJ44: 2011: Teacher’s Association in Bahrain, in Engineering, WD Press, 14th March 2011.
NJ45: 2011: Young Bahrainins Engineers (What Directions ? ), in Engineering, WD Press, March 2011.
NJ46: 2011: National University: University of Bahrain, in Engineering, WD Press, 14th of May 2011.
NJ47: 2011: Education in Bahrain, Moving Forward, in Engineering WD Press, 21st February 2011.
NJ48: 2012: Educational Establishment in Bahrain, in Engineering, WD Press, 22nd January 2012.
NJ49: 2013: Technical Jobs in Muharreq, History, in Engineering, WD Press, 12 April 2013.
NJ50: 2012: Eleven Years after "Al-Meathaq" Referendum, in Engineering WD Press, 14th of February 2012.
NJ51: 2015: Towards 100 Years of Bahrain Education, Part-1, in Engineering, WD Press, 20th of March 2015.
NJ52: 2015: Towards 100 Years of Bahrain Education, Part-2, in Engineering, WD Press, 3rd of April 2015.
NJ53: 2017: Women in Engineering, Annual Day, December in Engineering, WD Press 2017.