Professor Dr. Ebrahim A. Mattar
Professor of Robotics/AI/Cybernetics
College of Engineering, University of Bahrain
Research Interests:
Robotics, Cybernetics, AI
Now working on Electroencephalography (EEG) Brainwaves Decoding for Building Robotics Cognition
History of Cybernetics and Automatic Control System
The science that has shaped our future
(from Early Ages to Now, with a Gallery) - History of Automatic Control System
The science that has shaped our future
(from Early Ages to Now, with a Gallery)
Brief history of Automatic Control (through Years)
•1868 first article of control ‘on governor’s’ –by Maxwell
•1877 Routh stability criterien
•1892 Liapunov stability condition
•1895 Hurwitz stability condition
•1932 Nyquist
•1945 Bode
•1947 Nichols
•1948 Root locus
•1949 Wiener optimal control research
•1955 Kalman filter and controlbility observability analysis
•1956 Artificial Intelligence
•1957 Bellman optimal and adaptive control
•1962 Pontryagin optimal control
•1965 Fuzzy set
•1972 Vidyasagar multi-variable optimal control and Robust control
•1981 Doyle Robust control theory
•1990 Neuro-Fuzzy
A brief history of feedback control
Reprinted by permission from Chapter 1: Introduction to Modern Control Theory, in: F.L. Lewis,
Applied Optimal Control and Estimation, Prentice-Hall, 1992.
History of Automatic Control 1996
History of Automatic Control 1996. By Karl Johan Astrom.
.... find out more by downloading these articles about history of control ..