Professor Dr. Ebrahim A. Mattar
Professor of Robotics/AI/Cybernetics
College of Engineering, University of Bahrain
Research Interests:
Robotics, Cybernetics, AI
Now working on Electroencephalography (EEG) Brainwaves Decoding for Building Robotics Cognition
EENG400 : Engineering Ethics
Office Hours : Any time, please send an e-mail to :
Office No: IT College- 1114.
Office Location: College of IT, Building S40
Office Telephone: ++ 973 17876286, or ++ 973 17876606
Course Textbook(s):
Martin M.W., Schinzinger R., Ethics in Engineering, 4th Ed., McGraw-Hill, NY,
References: Contribution of Course to Meeting the Professional Component
College-level mathematics and basic science: 0 credits
Engineering topics: 3 credits
General education: 0 credits
Course Description:
Scope of engineering ethics,
Moral reasoning and resolving ethical dilemmas,
Codes of ethics,
Engineering as experimentation,
Engineers as responsible experimenters. Commitment to safety:
Safety and risk,
Teamwork: Definition, types of teams and groups,
Confidentiality and conflict interest,
Conflict management,
Environmental ethics,
Global issues,
Engineering and technological progress:
Optimism, pessimism and realism, shared responsibility, moral leadership.
Course Description (UOB Catalog):
Scope of engineering ethics. Moral reasoning and resolving ethical dilemmas. Codes of ethics. Engineering as experimentation, Engineers as responsible experimenters. Commitment to safety: Safety and risk, Teamwork: Definition, types of teams and groups. Confidentiality and conflict interest. Conflict management. Honesty, Environmental ethics, Global issues, Engineering and technological progress: Optimism, pessimism and realism, shared responsibility, moral leadership.
Assessment Types:
EENG 400 - Course Assessment Policy:
Assessment Type Means Details/ Explanation of Assessment in relation to CILOs Number Weight Date(s)
Random Assignment Take-Home 1,2,3,4,5,6 Depends on lectures 20%
Midterm in lecture 1,2,3 1 30% Refer to course weekly breakdown below
Projects/Case Studies Take Home 5,6 1 10% Refer to course weekly breakdown below
Final Examination 1,2,3,4,5,6 1 40%
Total 100%
Complete Class Lectures, and Notes: Lectures Notes: Access via UoB Blackboard link:
EENG400, Course Syllabus Sheet: EENG400 -QAAC Form (Course Quality Sheet SII_2024_2025)
Samples of Midterms, and Finals: SAMPLES OF MIDTERMS, FINALS, TUTORIALS
Samples of Ethical Dilemmas: DILEMMAS & CASE STUDIES